Department of Anatomy

Dept. Home Page

Welcome Note​

Prof Francis Duru
The Skull Anatomy
The Digestive Anatomy

I welcome you to the Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, College of Medicine of the University of Lagos.

The Department of Anatomy, which began as the Department of Morphological Sciences, has been in existence since 1962.

The Department started its operation, with four members of staff including one lecturer and one technologist under the headship of Prof. W. Haines. Today, I am proud to say that our staff strength has increased to twenty-nine, among which are fourteen lecturers, nine technical staff, and five administrative staff.

Over the years, the teaching of Anatomy which started with only Medical students, has extended to include Dental, Physiotherapy, Physiology, Pharmacy, Pharmacology, Radiography, Medical Laboratory Sciences, Nursing Sciences, and only recently, Biomedical Engineering, and Human Kinetics and Health Education. In the nearest future, we plan to include a B.Sc. program in Anatomy

The Department is also involved in the teaching and training of Postgraduate students, which began in 1980. Many graduates of this program, are making us proud both locally and internationally. In fact, most of our Academic staff are products of this Postgraduate training.

Members of staff are also actively engaged in research activities, and research findings are presented in conferences, and published in Peer-reviewed journals, both local and international.

A number of Academic staff are involved in interdisciplinary and cross-border collaborations and these have attracted both local and international grants to the Department and the University as a whole. The Department is poised with increasing the visibility of the University of Lagos, through quality research outputs.

Our scopes of research are in the fields of Molecular and Cell Biology, Neuroanatomy, Reproductive Biology, Embryology, Reproductive Endocrinology, Developmental Biology, Andrology, Neurobehavioral Studies, Neuroendocrinology and Anthropometry.

History of the Department

The Department of Anatomy, College of Medicine of the University of Lagos began as the
Department of Morphological Sciences on Harvey Road, Yaba, in 1962 with an intake of 28 Medical Students and 4 members of staff. The teaching of Anatomy was extended to Dental Students in 1966, Physiotherapy in 1971, Physiology in 1977, Pharmacy and Pharmacology in 1980 and Biomedical Engineering in 1981. the Department was moved to its current location in 1976.

The Department currently have 13 Academic Staff with 11 other Technical and
Administrative staff. The teaching programme has been reviewed during which a number of innovative techniques in Medical Education have been established to make the teaching of Anatomy more articulate, meaningful and enjoyable to the students. These include the use of slide and film projectors, overhead transparency illustration, multimedia and the introduction of living Anatomy as a preliminary to physical examination.

The student population has increased from its beginning of 28 students. The Department
however has a compliment of well trained staff and facilities for training and research. Our expanded scope of research are in the fields of cell/molecular biology, reproductive biology, Endocrinology and Andrology.

Academic Programs

Undergraduate Academic Programme

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Postgraduate Academic Programme

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